Saturday, December 28, 2019

Short Story Wilburts Revenge - 1215 Words

Wilburt’s Revenge Bilbo was strolling through the forest when suddenly he stopped to sit down by a rock. He had been quite tired and wanted to take a break because he had been schlepping his heavy bag of treasure and supplies back to his house after his long adventure. His friend Gandalf had mysteriously disappeared a few hours ago, but Bilbo had decided to keep walking towards his home. When Bilbo reached his home he saw that the door had been opened. Filled with curiosity Bilbo decided to place his bag down by the door and go explore his hobbit hole to see if anything was taken or out of place. He walked into the main room and saw all of his furniture was gone. Now Bilbo was very confused but decided that getting mad would not help†¦show more content†¦Nothing will stop me from obtaining this treasure. If you do want to save Gandalf go into your bedroom and look for the map that will lead you to me.Time is ticking. Goodluck Mr. Baggins! From, Wilburt Godfrey† Bilbo had no memory of meeting the Wilburt person but he knew Gandalf was in trouble and it was all up to him to save him like Gandalf had saved Bilbo all those times. Bilbo went into the bedroom and found the map. The map was not what Bilbo was expecting at all. It was actually a list of instruction written in some weird code. Bilbo was so confused and the only person he could call who could help him decipher the code was his friend Lilly. Lilly was a professor at a nearby university and was an expert at deciphering codes. Lilly was only at Bilbo s house for twenty minuets before she figured out what the instructions said. â€Å"It say follow the winding road from your house to the mountain. Find the blue stone and click it twice and it will take you to the Secret Valley.† Lilly said. Bilbo knew exactly what the winding road was and he quickly ran, grabbed his bag and put his ring in the back pocket.He started to run out the door, but before he could leave Lilly grabbed his hand. â€Å"I am going with you.† she said Bilbo did not want to let Lily come with him, but he finally greed he would need her help if he was going to save Gandalf. So Bilbo and Lily set off on the long

Friday, December 20, 2019

Poems Poetry and Free Verse Poem - 774 Words

Poetry Journal Project **Due Monday, February 4, 2013** You will create a poetry journal. It will contain 20 poems. Each poem will contain one of the items below. You may not use the same poem twice. You may not use any poem we have read in class. 1. Rhyme (any kind) 11. Free Verse Poem 2. Imagery 12. Narrative Poem 3. Simile 13. Lyric Poem 4. Metaphor 14. Consonance 5. Alliteration 15. Assonance 6. Personification 16. Refrain 7. Hyperbole 17. Allusion 8. Extended Metaphor 18. Near rhyme 9. Onomatopoeia 19. End rhyme 10. Symbolism 20. Internal rhyme Each poem must include the title and poet. For each poem, you must also include where you found†¦show more content†¦Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and content all| |count. | Your journal must be typed. Each poem must be on its own page; if you need two pages for the five poems you choose to do the analysis on, you may use more than one page. Your journal must be bound like a book when turned in. They can be put in a binder with clips, tied together, stapled, etc. Your journal must have a cover. I will not accept journals that are not formatted correctly. If your journal looks suspiciously like another student’s (same poems, same analysis, etc.) both/all of you will receive a 0 and a referral to administration for academic dishonesty. The journal is worth 300 points and is weighted at 35% of your grade. Poetry Presentation and Reflection Paper **Presentations scheduled for February 12, 13, and 14. **Presentation Reflection Paper due February 21. Poetry Presentation (100 points) Choose one of the poems you included in your poetry journal. You may not choose song lyrics for this†¦it must be a poem! Prepare a 5 minute presentation of that poem for the class. A typical presentation will include 1) an introduction of the poem, including some information about the author and a brief introduction of the poem itself; 2) reading the poem; 3) your personal analysis of the poem (why you chose it, what you like about it, what is specialShow MoreRelatedThe Poem Caged Bird 1147 Words   |  5 PagesELA8_SB_U6_L7_LC Introduction and Objective If you were asked to formally discuss this excerpt from â€Å"Caged Bird,† what might you say about this poem? Does the poem follow conventions? Would it be considered a sonnet? Is there a rhyme scheme? Does it use a specific meter? Today, we’re going to look at discussing poetic conventions and examining how poems break conventions. 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They feel this way for two reasons: the â€Å"way of saying† and the â€Å"nature of the said.† As for the way of saying, the strongly marked rhythms, the frequent appearance of rhyme, and the figurative language may seem odd and distracting; and as for the â€Å"natureRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem My August Guest By Robert Frost Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pagesanalysis of two distinct poems, written by different authors. The emphasis will be on the physical elements, or structure of the poetry, less on the meaning. In the first poem â€Å"My November Guest† by Robert Frost, we will discuss the formal analysis, which includes the style, metre, rhyme, figurative language, etc. In the second poem â€Å"You Called Me Corazon† we will discuss the formal analysis as well. In Robert Frost’s â€Å"My November Guest†, the first thing you will notice about the poem is that it consists

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Critical Chain Project Management

Question: Discuss about the Critical Chain Project Management. Answer: Introduction Project Management is one effective element or perspective that helps the project managers in completing the project in a proper way. This report is considering one Retail organization that is interested in implementing one ERP system within it. This implementation process demands for project management perspective and effective organizational structure and culture. Related concepts with ERP implementation are elaborated in this essay. Importance of Project Management on considered business environment According to the study of project management perspectives involved within the concerned workplace that is interested in implementing the ERP system within it, it is found that the organization is well aware of their scope and project deliverables that are related to their organizational culture and environment. The concerned organization has identified a group of scopes for implementing the ERP system within it, these are: need for system integration approach, demand for customer satisfaction, demand for gaining effective amount of revenues etc. In contrast with this scope identification, this is studied that the organization has compared and contrasted their positioning in the competitive marketplace and then it has taken the decision to implement the ERP system within the organization. ERP system is nothing but an information system that helps to manage various other information systems such as HRMS, CRM and SCM within the organizational culture. The organization structure and culture is very important in order to maintain the effectiveness of the system implementation process within any organization. Matrix structure is essential for maintain the effective implementation of ERP within organization. Project management involves proper selection and management of project as well as resources for managing the project. For proper selection of information system within any organization, it is very important to incorporate matrix structure within the organization. The organization has collaborated with effective suppliers of raw materials, hardware and software support providers those are the crucial elements for managing any ERP system implementation project. Therefore, from the critical point of view, the selection and management of raw materials and resources are correct according to the system demands. The implementation of ERP system within the concerned retail organization involves appraisal of project plan. The project plan and matrix structure is helpful in providing effective responses of the project members. According to the point of view of the project stakeholders in this project it is clear that they have investigated in a detailed way about the conventional system architecture of the organization and then they have decided about the project selection in order to grab the competitive positioning within the target market. Each and every project stakeholders are assisting the project objectives with their appreciative responses. This aspect makes the project objectives more accurate and effective. The elaborated concepts are the positive aspects involved in this project of ERP system implementation within the retail business. Organizational culture is very important in order to provide effective measures within the organization. Besides this, there is a barrier to the project development stages that are harming the project objectives and aims, which can be managed with the help of proper functional approach within organization that is entirely dependent on the organizational culture and structuring of organizations. According to the study of relationship between the project stakeholders, it is found that high priorities of internal conflicting situations are restricting the project leads to fulfil their objectives and goals. This entire scenario is impacting on the project objectives and also demotivating the project members from doing their duties. This aspect can be considered as one drawback or identified risk of the project development. The project management team should take themselves responsible for this chaos as project leader is responsible for managing any kind of conflicting situation going on within the project development life cycle. Risk management is one of the most effective part of the project management concept. There are various risks associated with the implementation of ERP system. Risks identification and risks resolution both are dependent organizational culture and structure. The matrix structure of the organization is helpful in identifying the risks involved within the organization or project implementation. According to the study of concerned project it is clear that the project is facing many non-technical difficulties during the implementation process. Besides these issues the project leader there is some positive scope of marking this project a good one as the project leaders and project members are concerned of their technical risks assessment aspect. The organizational heads strictly follows the evaluation of technical feasibility of the system in each stage of project development. Therefore, the project is ranked well in this category of evaluation. According to the organizational culture and positional attributes involved in this project development the project closure phase is also well programmed and arranged with respect to the demands of the organization. The closure phase of the project is also influenced by the organizational culture and structure. Effective organizational culture and structure is helpful in solving various issues involved within the project. The ERP system has been tested before the implementation of the system architecture within the organization. This technical feasibility test ensures the organization in combating several other issues that can be evolved from the post implementation of the ERP system within it. Therefore, the impact of project management is proved to be beneficial to the organization. The evaluation of the implementation process of ERP system within the concerned organization shows the proper impact of project management on the project development life cycle. Therefore, the importance of project management is mandatory in implementing any information system within any organization. Conclusion This essay is elaborating about the impact analysis of project management in consideration with one retail organization that is interested in implementing ERP system within their organization in order to grab good position with its target market. This essay is elaborated about the critical evaluation of the project management phases in solving issues and evaluating effectiveness of the project results. Bibliography Heagney, J., 2016.Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Leach, L.P., 2014.Critical chain project management. Artech House. Martinelli, R.J. and Milosevic, D.Z., 2016.Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.202-217. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons.